Rp 330,00 /kata

US$0.030 /word

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General Texts

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Rp 330,00 - 550,00* /kata

US$0.03 - 0.05* /word

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For documents, articles, papers, books, instruction manuals, etc., with a specialized subject such as chemistry (e.g. MSDS), IT, engineering, finance, legal** (e.g. certificate, contract), etc.
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* Oleh karena tiap dokumen berbeda-beda, kami perlu melihat isinya terlebih dahulu agar dapat menentukan harga pastinya per kata. Harga maksimumnya adalah Rp 550,-/kata.
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* Due to the very specific nature of each document, we need to see the content first before we can set the exact price per word. The ceiling price is US$0.05/word.
** If the number of words in a legal text page is less than 220, the cost of translating the page will be rounded up to 220 words multiplied by the price per word of that page.